
Gertrude Stein is useless

From her. . . children's book (reviewed at NPR, including tips on how to read it, "If you have any trouble, read faster and faster until you don't."):

Alphabets and names make games and everybody has a name and all the same they have in a way to have a birthday.

The thing to do is to think of names.

Names will do.


It seems that Katherine Anne Porter is also not wild about the sorta fascist/collaborationist who coined the term "The Lost Generation." I hope to read her piece on Stein in the next few days and get back to you; full disclosure, haven't really read Stein but view her with suspicion. Looking forward to a take down the way you feel when reading People at the dentist's & get sucked in without having seen celebrity X's latest music video/movie/interview/sex tape but still just want to know the general shape of popular contempt.

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